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  • Writer's pictureUmang Shankar

Be you - Be Authentic......

Updated: Mar 14, 2018

Cliche alert - I've heard that so many times and still i don't have any clue what it means.

Be me? - Be Authentic? is it being the lazy guy I am, is it sitting in front of TV with Netflix on and Pringles in the lap? Is that me being authentic? and is it okay to do that?

Cz by god i am pretty authentic when i do that, at least i think so...

You do not have to take the most difficult route always to achieve success or be happy...

Say it a lazy man's universal truth but I believe that we have been served with a lie all this long that to be successful and happy we have to take the most hardest route - do you remember the old saying " #harder the battle sweeter the #victory" . I do not agree with it always , what if you lose everything in the battle, so much so that the victory itself loses its charm.

Apply to roles for which you do not have to doctor your CV...

There are people in the world that would come across as the higher beings, who when asked will give you exact the copy book response, you know them, you have seen them, the ones that dress in the finest clothes and go to the finest clubs. They definitely know what they are doing and what they love t do. Or i hope they do.

But for the ones (U and Me) who do not know what they would love to do? (for career), its best to choose what life has chosen for you and work on it. Unless its not some drug dealing stuff or being a mobster, then you should not work on it, like definitely. But for the ones that do not know what they love to do apart from being a drug dealer or mobster, i have a simple truth for us - Apply to only those roles for which you do not have to doctor your CV.

And, keep going at it life has many ways to surprise you, teach you a lesson, make you happy and make you cry, you do not have to be that agent of life that forces those situations on to yourself.

Take a chill pill and give yourself a break and maybe if you are lucky on the way you will find what you love to do.

As a tradition at the end (This the 2nd post so tradition starts from here) - I sign off with a great video -

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